-You heard it here first
-Dam Conservatives!
-Blinded by the Right?
-The Wang in the Bush
-Oil and Water don't mix
-Liberal Millennium
-The Future is our Proof
-Bush is Bad Medicine
-Bad Goods & Secret Ingredients
-Fun Caboose Rides
-Walk the Earth
You heard it here first
Jeffords is just the tip of the iceberg...
These 17 senators will be defecting soon as well (at least according to Nostradavid) but not all for the same reason.
James Jeffords - VT
Lincoln Chafee - RI
Ben Nighthorse Campbell - Col
(having come to his senses)
John McCain - AZ
(out of frustration)
Tim Hutchinson- Ark
Bill Frist &
Fred Thompson of Tenn
(Tennessee will all but demand it)
Peter G. Fitzgerald - Ill
Pat Roberts - Kansas
(to distinguish himself from Pat Robertson)
Sam Brownbach - Kansas
Susan Collins - Maine
Olympia Snowe - Maine
Conrad Burns - Montana
John Ensign (R-NV)
Judd Gregg - NH
George V. Voinovich - OH
Gordon Smith - ORE
This is just a correction. Nothing to hyperventilate over. They will become popular heroes in time. They will have to endure much at the beginning.
[editor's note: Still waiting!]
Dam Conservatives!
We do not want to have to spank your adipose bottom.
All we desire is to control the minds of everything that breathes.
Life, Nature, God...
And once we fully control all, we will then begin the cruel installation
of Ben & Jerry's franchises…
in even the most conservative corners of God and the Universe.
This will make people fat but happy. Like the whales!
And like the whales, we will have Greenpeace franchises…
even in the most conservative corners of God and the Universe...
to protect the neo-whales
made fat and happy
by the Moses of Liberality...
a.k.a. Clara Bowie
at Clown College, USA. "The U.N. of Foozball".
So you see...
...and flows like a river.
There is a reason people say:
"Dam Conservatives!".
Socially liberal position
I have noticed that several otherwise conservative posters seem to have a socially liberal position regarding the death penalty. And I can see that it is authentic.
Sadly, I have seen otherwise liberal folk take up the pro CP mantle...and frankly I think it rings disingenuous.
I realize that some do it out of some sort of centristic urge, and others do it for political gain...but I wonder how efficacious it is to hold disingenuous beliefs (or proclamations reflective thereof)...even if it is in the spirit of compromise.
I see a similar thing happening with the war on drugs...but that is another story for another time.
The Wang in the Bush
Remember Wang Computers?
An Wang, a visionary leader, created a company in the vanguard of high-tech companies. They could do no wrong. Their work and lifestyle was the envy of many a company.
But then the elder Wang died. And the company was left to the lesser, unvisionary hands of the younger Wang.
They lost the ability to fly. They lost their source of vision.
Although George Bush the elder was no visionary...he was, at least, a leader. And as such, was able to do a fairly good job as President of the United States. And he had the advantage of actually being elected by the majority of people. Granted...his father was also a senator, and so he too was already on Second Base.
There are lessons to learn from Wang. There is a little Wang in the current Bush, so to speak. And it is Wang the Younger. The one who brought down the company.
Many Conservatives cannot see that ability can skip a generation...or even appear as a total anomaly. And why is this? It is because many of them were handed their thrones, and never had to earn it. They are the ones who are most for the abolition or reduction of the Estate seems to me.
But when we hand the reins to those who haven't earned it...we reproduced the Sins of the Wang.
Dubya is the metaphoric leader of these third-base homerunners. But people are beginning to see that they really should be on first base...since the hit was only a single to start with. And it was his financiers who were holding the bat.
Oil and Water don't mix
I guess you found out that Oil and Water don't mix...although I think I may have said that already. :)
Perhaps I should say Oil and Clean Water don't mix, to be more precise.
And Clean Water is akin to Integrity.
Pure and Natural. Necessary for Living Systems...
Liberal Millennium
The problem with your grand vision is that it benefits only the few, and expends Nature, other countries and peoples, the poor, and anyone who happens to not be Conservative...which is the vast majority of people on Earth...and believe me...we are living in a global environment -- regardless of what your narrow-minded and narrow-interested, club of white Christian males dream is reality.
It's a faux elite, of which you speak. Based on inherited wealth, and suckers...and never turning each other in. The eleventh commandment. Thou shalt be sheep.
Liberals and Moderates are more interested in truly long-term sustainability and growth. Not cashing in, like your boys. Not making the US a debtor nation just because you own the banks who will be charging and collecting the interests. Not robbing Peter in California to pay Paul in Texas.
What was Clinton for, above all else? World Peace, Clean air and water, Public Health, a Healthy Economy, the Information Superhighway.
What is narrow and divisive about that? Are these not the concerns of America and Americans? Are these not the concerns of the World?
Your boy is a shallow shell. A hollow shell. The squeaks you hear are the sounds from the earphones in Bush's head, where his puppetmeisters are giving him the official doctrine; the company line; marching orders.
But Clinton made a lot of people rich who are not in the Bush family of inbred CEOs. Many became richer and more powerful than they...and this just cannot be! "Git in there and pull us down some riches, boy!", his handlers shouted, and being the dutiful puppet, he complied, Harris complied, Scalia complied, and the machinery, bought and paid for, ran almost as efficiently as a Nazi concentration camp.
I hear Bush just hired a fellow named Klink.
So you will clearly be not only a liberal will be a liberal millennium. In fact the entire Universe, and God himself are already signed on.
Any simple reading of a random conservative post will tell you that it is of the devil. And Hell waiteth just around the bend for the next one to try and excape God's liberal caress... mistaking him for a Lenny, destined to crush the poor mouse.
Wrong guy!
Tell me 'bout the wabbits, George W!
The Future is our Proof
First off..I'm not in California.
Secondly...all you really need do is sit back and watch as Democrats trounce your little weenie-asses who seemed determined to bilk America out of its money, and put it in the hands of the few Citizen Kanes who think they deserve it all.
The future is our friend...not yours.
At least not until you learn magnanimity and democratic principles, and move away from your party's obvious indentureship to Big Oil, Big Energy, Big Tobacco, Big Churches, and Big Guns.
Democrats have been in the vanguard of alternative energy for decades...and yet we always get trumped by your party's Oil magnates. How can you defend these schmucks?
Here's a lesson for you:
I know a fellow who used to collect the posts of Democrats, so as to throw them back into our faces when, as he thought, they turned out to be wrong.
Instead...he disappeared. And why? Because he realized that we were better at predicting, and indeed, creating the future. Time bore us out. And showed his own positions to be wrong, or even corrupt.
The Bush machine is filled with people willing to lie out the ass in order to push through what they want.
But as I said before...The Republicans have not had to deal with the Clinton-Gore. And now Bush is finding that he cannot hoodwink the people the way his father and Reagan did.
I do wish you would take the name of David out of your moniker, as people are starting to thing you are a David...thus watering down Davidity.
Davids fight Goliaths...and are certainly not the yes-men for Goliaths, like you seem to be.
The future is our friend. And even though it may be contrary to your present will benefit you in the long run.
How lucky you are for having liberals fighting for your better angels. Your gratefulness is appallingly weak though.
Bush is Bad Medicine
With the publication of "Blinded by the Right", the defection of Jeffords, Chaffee, Snow, etc., the end o' honeymoon, the loss of the Senate, the loss of the trust of the people, the bullshit they lied about regarding the supposed trashing of the White House and Air Force One, the Energy theft, the Election Theft, the diminution in respect for the Supreme Court, the business-driven agenda, the Oil bastardy, the Future-denying anachronisms, the garbled thoughts and speech, the puppet strings, the sheep mentality, the punishment for dissention, and so much more...I'd say your 15 minutes is about up. And what a shame you squandered it by racing to personally cash in. (I take it you ARE a clone of Dubya.)
Your pipedream of a glowing economy is just a faint memory of the Clinton Years, already threatened with being an even fainter memory...thanks to the fact that your financiers had to pay way too much to beat a serious force, like Saint Albert Gore, King of the Wild Frontier.
They can't get their money fast enough...because they know that Bush is a one-termer at best.
Bad Goods & Secret Ingredients
If you are going to self-educate, better pick some reliable sources. These guys do their intellectual shopping at K-Mart...where they have no qualms with pushing bad goods. Bad goods...what a term!
If these fellers who only shop at the places you mention...continue to only shop there, I would suggest it reflects upon their own gullibility, and their eagerness, like these "sources", to be duped, and dupes.
If I were to find the The Nation, Salon or many of the other points of integrity, say, were purveying such schlock...which they surely knew was otherness...there would be no end to the astonishment. It is just not in their, or our, blood, to willingly mislead the public for personal gain. But if you look at nearly any product by Bush and his Confederacy of Dunces, you will find that most of their products are suspect...and need that extra secret ingredient to keep it afloat.
Sometimes the secret ingredient is "a little white lie", while other times it is in the form of addictive substances added to your tobacco, colas, beer, wine, soup, cheesefood, bread, candy and so on. Or maybe the secret ingredient is in the form of Nuclear Waste, air and water pollution, or thought pollution...such as Rush Limbaugh & Co.
There is always a secret ingredient.
If there is a secret ingredient involved, you can bet the Bushies are backing them...and vice versa.
Same with Bad Goods. Bad Goods and Secret Ingredients are all you need to bake the Bush Cake. Cake Bush is frankly no Kate Bush. Make the Pie Higher. No. Make the pie hire! Or make a pie pyre. Need a Pied Piper? How bout a Paid Pooper? Got one! Look in the White House!
How freeing it is to think with your own head!
Fun Caboose Rides
Take a note
Give the News its usual 2 or 3 month delay, and you will see that you have correctly named the culprits. Oil & Co.
Remember. It wasn't that long ago that you were talking about Clintons trashing of the White House.
It is now May, 29, 2001.
I'd give it another 3 weeks. By then you will be voicing the next incorrect non-news...and this one will have been borne out. But you will gloss over that one, just like you brush the others ones under the rug.
Are you not troubled by the collusion of the media with the highest bidder...namely suspect and interested corporations and their pawn, George? The slowness whereby Big Media finally get what others have found out long before?
Is the caboose THAT fun to ride?
Walk the Earth
"Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth
Unseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep." - Paradise Lost; J. Milton
I believe you are one of the spiritual beings walking the earth...and I would bet that you have done a LOT of walking. I may be wrong.
In the early 70s, I was one of those hitchhikers out "on the road", "looking for America". Hitching is useful, in that it teaches you how to read character.
From all that I have gathered about you, from pictures, words, and, of course, your dossier (just kidding!)...I can tell that you are a person with whom I could share my trust, although maybe not my trust fund...were such a animal to exist. :)
But I would probably feel alright with that as well.
You are the asset on the board, if it should come down to the twain (and no reason it should)...because you opened up the visual dimension to us, through your excellent idea to post images...which I've not seen done before on political messageboards.
But your wit, heart and wisdom are also most excellent, and I always look forward to seeing what comes next.
Thanks again for your kindnesses, and should I ever see you on the highways of life...I'll be sure to give you a lift and buy you a bud.
You're in California, aren't you?
Well...more power to you! :)
Thank you!
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